So I'm meeting my client today, but I'm on my period so only oral for him. It's about fifty dollars and maybe a free lunch. It's cool how since this started I don't freak out about eating. I still weigh and measure myself every day, but it's good to know some people (even old married men) find me 'sexy'.
Thank you all for the comments. And anonymous, I have considered an escort agency, but there aren't any in el paso.
To all the others: Thank you for caring about me so much. I love you guys. Now on to my actual post.
^ My friend brittany
Some chick waiting for the bus
haha from my text book
A family of four consumes about three hundred pounds of fat in a year. Enough for this guy to make a big ass pig!
^ taylor swift
^ megan fox
^ heidi klum
^ a girl leaving the class before mine started
^ aguy in my english class
fat chick on the bus
YOUNG fat chick on the bus
people leaving the library
a girl I saw while waiting for the bus. There's another that you can see all her bones, but I keep missing her and she moves too fast for a picture.
wow. lots of fat people take the bus, huh?
girl at the transfer station
This chick just wouldn't stop eating! Seriously? It was disgusting!
me. :/
and finally, a chick so fat she needs a wheelchair.